Sunday, November 28, 2010

Neither the warmth nor the depth

Depth of field assignment!

Don't judge the models.
They are shy.






Monday, November 22, 2010

Kensington Market

Earlier in the the semester we did a tour of Kensington Market. We had to create a small book or brochure from the pictures.

During this assignment I learned one of the basic rules of printing: For the love of all that is sweet and fuzzy, don't bleed all over the prints!

Silly paper cuts. =/

Tel Building Tour

A photographic tour of the Tel Building!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Coup D'Etat

The shoe ad and raw shoe image for a photography assignment.
My boots are violently green and totally awesome.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jack in the Box(es)

On Tuesday there was an in-class assignment to re-size banners celebrating the 4 hour season premier of 24. History will no doubt look back on the fact that 24 is not actually returning as, at the very least, a minor miracle.

Sadly I was not in class as the migraine fairy has decided to visit me frequently this semester. Absence not being an excuse for not doing, here's Jack:

Client Mock-Up v1

One of our major projects is to take two existing companies or organizations and create mock-ups of a new design for them.

One of the companies I chose is Newcap Radio, a broadcasting company.

Full size image of the content page.

The other is Dystar LP, the North American member of Dystar Global - provider of products and services for the textile and leather industry.

Full size image of the content page.


As an exercise in story-boarding we were assigned to create story boards for a web banner for a BlackBerry product. I decided to use the BlackBerry Style, a new addition to the BlackBerry family.

The banner had to follow BlackBerry's branding guidelines and contain some type of incentive to encourage a person to click on it.

Hunting Witches

Our first major typography project was to take the lyrics of a song and show the meaning of it through type. We had to create three different compositions each using to typographical elements.

I chose to do use the song "Witch Hunt" by Rush.

Black and White Berries

In class we worked on a mock-up for a BlackBerry site. It was a 'light' version and based on it we had to create a 'dark' version. The idea being that a simple colour change can make a site look completely different and easily provide a client with more options.

Air Rider

Using our skatedecks from last semester, we created a possible website layout for an imaginary gallery showing of deck art called Air Rider.

These were my initial ideas for the sites splash and content pages. I wanted it to look kind of like a magazine.

For our redesigns of the site a standard navigation bar cannot be used, so that will be a fun challenge.

The Black Hole of Awesome

Back in first semester we used Illustrator to simulate 3d objects. We had an assignment to create three different scenes which I managed to lose into the black hole that is my external hard drive.

Above are two of the scenes.
The third was stuffed back into the black hole for being really terrible.

The Thing With Feathers

Our second typography exercise was to take a poem or portion of a song and express it using type and image. I used the poem "Hope" by Emily Dickenson, though the reason for it's selection had largely to do with just having covered the poem in poetry class.

It wasn't completely successful as I used too many members of the same type family, but learning would be difficult without mistakes.

Dear Future, come faster.

I imagine in the future that I'll be able to interface with the internet by somehow plugging myself in or, even better, telepathically. Just thinking something and having it appear on the screen would be so very convenient. Though, realistically, even in that perfect and wondrous world, I still wouldn't update my blog regularly.

That said,

One of our first projects in DMA 234 involved cleaning up phone assets so that they would be ready to use should they be needed for either digital or print (or telepathic) projects. We were given twelve shots of a pink Samsung M510. Being encouraged to act as if in an actual shop, many of us split up the work into groups.

Below are the three shots I personally worked on.