Friday, May 21, 2010

Rascally Rabbits.

Sir Wilfred Wigglebottom III

One rabbit, twenty names, and thirty colours can lead to an impressive number of combinations. Out of all of that potential, it was this bunny that was created and not that bunny. Does this all allude to some higher purpose? Did the world need a Sir Wilfred Wigglebottom III and thus he was created to fill that need?

Or did the name simply make the creator smile as she decided that he would look spectacular coloured in rose and lilac?

The answers to such questions may never be known; such are the mysteries of the universe.

Lessons Learned Today:
  • 'Brain storming' can be fun.
  • Water colours are less terrifying than previously thought, perhaps even enjoyable.
  • Drawing on water colour capable paper is incredibly convenient when later asked to use paints on an image.
  • Rabbits are a magical creature and no two look alike.